Hi, I’m Elsie, Quality Assurance & Control Administrator for Unified Residential Homes. I began working in the group home industry over 12 years ago. I began my tenure as a part time employee for Maricopa County Medical Center in Phoenix as a Caregiver in an assistant living community for Developmental Challenged Individuals.
As Quality Assurance & Control Administrator, for Unified Residential Homes, I work daily to ensure that members are receiving the best quality of care possible, their concerns are being heard, their rights are not violated, and always they are living in a safe environment. To ensure that the treatment and care members are receiving is tailored to everyone’s needs, it takes a team of compassionate by knowledgeable individuals working together. I am working daily with direct contact to Program Coordinators, House Managers, DCWs, Guardians, State Officials, and the Medical Teams. As a unit we work together to ensure that all Guardians/State Representative are kept up to date with the Progressions or Regressions of each member as it pertains to their health and/achieved ADL accomplishments.
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